Camp Hotkeys
By acquiring the Credit Shop item 'Support Status'
which you can try for free here.
These are the hotkeys for the "Camp>Creatures" menu.
C - Close confirmation windows.
H - Heals creatures.
E - Expels creatures.
F - Feeds creatures.
P - Produces items from a creature.
A - Hatches eggs.
Q - Equips a Creature.
N - Name a creature. Disables all other hotkeys until you refresh.
O - Possess a creature.
L - Enables the Safety Lock on a creature.
U - Disables the Safety Lock on a creature.
W - Swaps equipment between two creatures.
R - Strips equipment from creatures.
S - Select all creatures.
D - Deselect all creatures.
Enter - Yes confirmation.
Backpace - No confirmation.
Left Arrow - Previous Page
, - Farthest Left Page
Right Arrow - Next Page
. - Farthest Right Page
These are the hotkeys for the "Camp>Equipment" menu.
C - Close confirmation windows.
E - Sells equipment.
A - Removes equipment from creatures.
Q - Start equipping creatures.
Z - Dismantle equipment.
L - Enables the Safety Lock on an equip.
U - Disables the Safety Lock on an equip.
S - Select all equips.
D - Deselect all equips.
Enter - Yes confirmation.
Backpace - No confirmation.
Left Arrow - Previous Page
, - Farthest Left Page
Right Arrow - Next Page
. - Farthest Right Page
These are the hotkeys for the "Camp>Items" menu.
E - Sells items.
Left Arrow - Previous Page
, - Farthest Left Page
Right Arrow - Next Page
. - Farthest Right Page
These are the hotkeys for the "Camp>Marbles" menu.
C - Close confirmation windows.
E - Sells marbles.
F - Fuses marbles.
S - Select all marbles.
D - Deselect all marbles.
Enter - Yes confirmation.
Backpace - No confirmation.
Left Arrow - Previous Page
, - Farthest Left Page
Right Arrow - Next Page
. - Farthest Right Page