Battle Hotkeys
By acquiring the Credit Shop item 'Support Status'
which you can try for free here, you are able to use hotkeys during battle.
Please note it is highly recommended that you disable Auto Execution under "Player>Account>Game Options"
before trying to utilize these hotkeys.
The complete list of hotkeys is presented in the following list:
- Z. Cycles backward to the previous creature being controlled.
- X. Cycles forward to the next creature being controlled.
- A. Cycles backward through different types of hotkeyed actions.
- S. Cycles forward through different types of hotkeyed actions.
- F. Selects Attack for your first creature.
- G. Selects Attack for your second creature.
- H. Selects Attack for your third creature.
- J. Selects Attack for all three of your creatures.
- U. Selects Defend for your first creature.
- I. Selects Defend for your second creature.
- O. Selects Defend for your third creature.
- P. Selects Defend for all three of your creatures.
- R. Selects Repeat to repeat actions from the previous turn.
- V. Selects Cancel for your first creature.
- B. Selects Cancel for your second creature.
- N. Selects Cancel for your third creature.
- M. Selects Cancel for all three of your creatures.
- E. Exit a completed or failed battle.
Enter/CTRL - Executes the chosen actions of your creatures. Please note that only CTRL works in IE7 and below.
With Skill
action types hotkeyed (Default).
- 1. Selects your creature's first skill.
- 2. Selects your creature's second skill.
- 3. Selects your creature's third skill.
- 4. Selects your creature's fourth skill.
- 5. Selects your creature's fifth skill.
- 6. Selects your creature's sixth skill.
- 7. Selects your creature's seventh skill.
- 8. Selects your creature's eighth skill.
- 9. Selects your creature's ninth skill.
- 0. Selects your creature's tenth skill.
With Discipline
action types hotkeyed.
- 1. Selects your creature's first discipline.
- 2. Selects your creature's second discipline.
- 3. Selects your creature's third discipline.
- 4. Selects your creature's fourth discipline.
- 5. Selects your creature's fifth discipline.
- 6. Selects your creature's sixth discipline.
- 7. Selects your creature's seventh discipline.
- 8. Selects your creature's eighth discipline.
- 9. Selects your creature's ninth discipline.
- 0. Selects your creature's tenth discipline.
With Item
action types hotkeyed.
- 1. Selects your creature's first item.
- 2. Selects your creature's second item.
- 3. Selects your creature's third item.
- 4. Selects your creature's fourth item.
- 5. Selects your creature's fifth item.
- 6. Selects your creature's sixth item.
- 7. Selects your creature's seventh item.
- 8. Selects your creature's eighth item.
- 9. Selects your creature's ninth item.
- 0. Selects your creature's tenth item.
With Target
action types hotkeyed.
- 1. Selects your first creature.
- 2. Selects the enemies' first creature.
- 3. Selects your second creature.
- 4. Selects the enemies' second creature.
- 5. Selects your third creature.
- 6. Selects the enemies' third creature.
- 7. Selects your guest.