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PVP Ranking Result

The players listed below were the top contenders for the PVP ranking. You can read more about it right here.

  • Saless placed #1 with a PVP Rank of 4,515 and received 1 LESP Token and 1000 credit..
  • dldracorex placed #2 with a PVP Rank of 3,380 and received 1 LESP Token.
  • zBIz placed #3 with a PVP Rank of 3,080 and received 300 credit.
  • Hatori eagle placed #4 with a PVP Rank of 1,185 and received 300 credit.
  • ikkemikke placed #5 with a PVP Rank of 1,130 and received 300 credit.
  • Darling placed #6 with a PVP Rank of 450 and received 300 credit.
  • Manic placed #7 with a PVP Rank of 415 and received 25 credit.
  • Stick placed #8 with a PVP Rank of 110 and received 25 credit.
The PVP Ranking has now been reset in preparation for the next season! You can view the current ranking under Community>Ranking>View Highest Ranking for PVP anytime.

Posted by Ignis on July 1st, 2024 at 12:01 AM

July Lottery for Credit

Each of the following participants won 1,814 Credit from the Lottery:

Want to participate in the next lottery? You can buy a ticket right here.

Posted by Ignis on July 1st, 2024 at 12:00 AM

July Lottery for Coins

Each of the following participants won 13,148,226,617 Coins from the Lottery:

Want to participate in the next lottery? You can buy a ticket right here.

Posted by Ignis on July 1st, 2024 at 12:00 AM

Extra Slow

For those that didn't know, I've been trying to plan out making a new campaign. Unfortunately, hiring the artist I had in mind to help kind of fell through. It's safe to say what I had planned was a lot of artwork, and it wouldn't have been fiscally worth it for them after preliminary calculations.

I haven't decided yet if I'll be looking for a different artist, but planning that out+my move is why things have been extra slow here. And I apologize to anyone disappointed by that. I'm hoping my move is out of the way in earlyish July.

Thanks for everyone's patience.

We're thinking about a different project that's easier to monetize. I may have updates on this sometime later in the year.

Posted by Ignis on June 15th, 2024 at 4:45 AM

Server Update

I'm going to be working with my host to upgrade the website's server software. If things get screwy over the next couple of days, assume that's why.

This update has no particular benefit for us. It's just a hassle we all gotta deal with.

Posted by Ignis on June 13th, 2024 at 5:36 AM