An enigmatic creature with a mysterious smile and a cunning eye for treasure, the jackalwoman known as Nermine is a question mark wrapped in a sleek coat of fur whose policy is that she won't answer any questions if you don't ask any. This magical shopkeeper will happily sell you the answer to your problems for a suitable price... at least, in her opinion.
Working out of a little shop that never seems to stay in the same location, Nermine mainly deals in artefacts and relics, some of which are perfectly ordinary in nature. Woe betide the thief who attempts to purloin her goods, for she has ways of extracting her pound of flesh -- literal or otherwise.
Art created in collaboration with ABD of the Webcomic Moonlace, while the writing and character created by the Furry, Roleplaying Text-based RPG Flexible Survival.
Limited Edition Soul Puppets are acquired by financially supporting the game and rolling LESP Tokens.
Attribute | Value | Attribute | Value |
7,738 | 6,220 | ||
1,028 | 1,475 | ||
1,740 | 1,328 | ||
1,364 | 1,295 | ||
3% | 0% | ||
115 | 1 | ||
52% | -38% | ||
22% | -8% | ||
32% | -18% | ||